In order to understand Monochromatic color harmony concept you basically need to have basic knowledge of color theory. If you have not read my article on color theory I would suggest to read it first.
What is Monochromatic color harmony?
In our last tutorial we learned about color saturation and value. If you pick one color from the color wheel and adjust saturation and value you will create different other colors that is the basic formula for creating Monochromatic color harmony.
Example: let say that you pick the red color from the color palette. Now, we will create 3 more colors on top of the color we picked using saturation and color value.
Let's look at the following image where we added three more colors by adjusting color saturation and brightness to our picked color.

What is HSL?
HSL stands for Hue, Saturation and Lightness. If you apply different percentage of HSL on RGB color you will get different shades of the color. You pick one of the true colors from the color wheel and then apply HSL to your need to get different colors.
What is HSV?
HSV stands for Hue, Saturation and Value. If you pick one color from the RGB model or Color wheel and apply some values to HSV you will get different colors. You can use these colors for web design.
If you are ui/ux designer and want to generate decent color palette for your new web design project you would have to have basic knowledge of how colors work in general. You need to know about color theory and understand some of the terms I mentioned in this tutorial.
Try following HSL/HSV color generator tools for free: